God and religions

Hamadallah ALsarkhi Is it possible that contradicts Allah, the Lord of the heavens and the earth itself (and forbid it) and makes a heavenly his messages to the different between human and another group of people .. ?? Is the request of the sons of Jacob ((Israel)), peace be upon him, and in the behavior of worship and morality is requested of Isaac and Abraham and Lot (peace be upon them), for example, Is the request of Jesus son of Mary (peace be upon him) is requested from the rest of the prophets Moses and the children of Israel (peace be upon them) in behavior, worship and morality .. ?? Will asked Yahya is requested of the prophets that were before him, and Jesus (peace be upon them) .... ?? Will asked Muhammad (him and his family the best prayer and Islam and all the prophets and messengers and the slaves) is requested by the former prophets ... ?? Allah has wanted in the gaze of all human beings recognize one thing and acknowledge (delivers) the following matter...